郑重声明: 未经同意,不得转载 微信作业反馈2016 万能句型 万能句型第一发[got to get] 先附上两张图片来做一个总览,接下来逐个举例说明: 万能句型前面搭配: 序号搭配省略’ve或’s1I’ve可以2We’ve可以3You’ve可以4They’ve可以5He’s不可以6She’s不可以万能句型举例: 序号句子翻译连读音标1I got to get going我得走了2I got to get used to it我得适应某物3I got to get used to this bed我得适应这张床4I got to get Used to the new comp
连读 1. You’re gonna wanna get more experiences before you apply before 可以读成 /b fɔr/, you和apply之间加w的音 2. I just wanted to have a look at her resume before you hired her wanted to 读成 /wa nI tə/, nt+vowel,省t wanted=/wɑntɪd/=/wɑnɪd/, at her 读成/æ dər/ hired her 同理不发

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